Skills  >  Design & Development

Design & Development

Selected artifacts created over the past few years, categorized by modality.


Project Description

I created a first aid training video on handling Anaphylaxis. The video simulates a real context in which first aid for Anaphylaxis may be necessary.

My Role

I handled all aspects of the video production process; writing script, filming, & post production, except for recording external audio and voice/camera acting

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Basic Motion Graphics using Illustrator and After Effects
  • Video editing using Premiere Pro
  • Screenwriting and Shot Planning

Artifact Description

Created as part of the Luddy Makerspace training series to teach students about Makerspace policies.

My Role

Handled all aspects of the video; performing and recording voice-over and post production, except for acting.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Voice-over recording
  • Basic Motion Graphics using Illustrator and After Effects
  • Video editing using Premiere Pro

Project Description

This is the second video of an eight-part video series on De-Escalation techniques; how should you appropriately respond to agitated participants (customers). This series is required training for all new hourly staff members at IU Rec Sports.

My Role

I worked with two subject matter experts, a photographer, numerous actors/staff who helped bring the scenarios to life, and a supervisor/project manager.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Writing authentic scenarios and dialogue for affective skills training
  • Basic Motion Graphics using Illustrator and After Effects
  • Video editing using Premiere Pro
  • Creating authentic, interactive assessments using Playposit. Here is an example question.

HTML/CSS (in Canvas)


Artifact Description

Menu used as an alternative to Module (Textual) Navigation in Canvas

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

Using Canvas-flavored CSS: flexbox-grid; Basic HTML: img title attributes to create captions, anchor tags


Artifact Description

Job aide on what materials can and cannot be laser processed, color coded for skimmability.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

Basic HTML: Creating Tables; CSS styling properties: Background-Color, (font) color, borders



Artifact Description

Created as part of a training module for makerspace technicians on how to respond to fires in the Laser Cutter.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Sourcing vector graphics
  • Creating basic animations using After Effects
  • Basic Color Correction using Premiere Pro

Artifact Description

Created as part of Laser Cutter Fire Safety module in Luddy Makerspace Certification training.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Sourcing vector graphics
  • Creating basic animations using After Effects



Artifact Description

Created as part of a training module on safe use of Drill Drivers and Impact Drivers. Sensory data, such as this photo, is the input to short term memory. Therefore, focusing attention on the most important region of the photo helps direct the sensory intake process.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Sourcing stock images
  • Manipulating image color in Photoshop

Artifact Description

Created as part of the FDM Printer module in Luddy Makerspace Certification training.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Using Illustrator and photos to create graphics

Job Aids


Artifact Description

Consistency is one of the hallmarks of good design. In collaboration with others on the training team, I created a style guide and revised an existing template so we could create documentation that is accessible, consistent, and easy-to-use for end users.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Creating a template in InDesign CC which can be used for documentation of varying lengths
  • Communicating design decisions

Artifact Description

Created as part of the FDM Printer module in Luddy Makerspace Certification training.

Skills/Competencies Demonstrated

  • Using Illustrator and photos to create graphics